Migration to a different computer

If you would like to use BarcodeOCR on a different computer, you must first deactivate the license on the old PC.

Export your settings

It is possible to migrate your configurations and settings to a new system.

Open the "Import/Export" menu and select the "Export settings to file" option.

You will be asked to specify a filename for the file archive. All configurations and the current log files are backed up.

Deactivate license on the old system

To do this, select the "Deactivate license for migration to a different PC" menu item from the "license" menu.

Confirm the prompt to deactivate BarcodeOCR.

The deactivation requires an active internet connection. If the PC doesn't have an active internet connection, send the exported settings as well as the serial number to the support.

Activate the license on the new system

Activation the license follows the same steps as the first activation: Activation of the license

Import your settings

Copy the exported archive from the first step onto the new system.

Open the "Import/Export" menu and select the "Import settings from file" option.

When you confirm the prompt, the exported configurations are imported. The current configurations are overwritten.

Launch the service afterwards and skim the error log for possible errors. A common error occurs, if the BarcodeOCR service is not set up properly to process documents in network folders.