Optional: Set a scan area

The whole page is always checked for barcodes. Filtering for ranges is a time-consuming filter option and should only be used if the barcodes cannot be filtered with the other options.

Additional filtering apart from barcode type, contents and orientation can be implemented by including or excluding predefined scan areas on the documents.

This function can be enabled by ticking the "Process only a part of the document" box. To simplify the definition of the area, you are able to select a representative preview document.

  1. Press Search
  2. Select a file from your scan folder, wich will be processed via BarcodeOCR later on
  3. Select a specific page from the document 
  4. Mark one or more scan areas which contain the barcodes you'd like to recognize

Only barcodes within the green area will be processed. Barcodes inside the white areas will be ignored. The slider on the right enables you to set a recognition percentage ratio. Meaning, if the barcode happens to be between a green and a white area, this ratio will determine, if the barcode will be processed.

  • If you set a 50% ratio, at least half of the barcode musst be within a green area.
  • If you set a 100% ratio, the whole barcode must be contained within a green area to be processed further. 

You can choose between a simple layout pattern (2x2 blocks) or a advanced layout pattern (3x4 blocks, respectively 3x3 blocks) for a more refined area selection.